Wednesday, August 29, 2007


Herbal Medicines for the Male Libido

And the males are the very sensitive ones when it comes to this subject matter. Society dictates that they should be macho and must possess sexual prowess.

But there is such a thing as Erectile dysfunction or ED. It is a condition in which a man in unable to get or maintain his penis erect sufficiently for sexual activity. This condition affects millions of men worldwide.

There are many causes of ED and experts have blamed diabetes, heart disorders, and high blood pressure. For the psychological factors, theres depression, anxiety, and fear. Medications may also cause ED like sleeping pills, anti-depressants, and blood pressure-lowering drugs. Harmful substances can also be the culprit like cigarette and alcohol.

Drugs have been formulated to combat ED and we are know familiar with names like Viagra, Cialis and Levitra. Of course, theres also the many contraptions used to achieve an erection like vacuum pumps and penile suppositories. Some men would opt for surgery and hormone therapy.

Ancient medicinal knowledge though has revealed to us that there are herbal plants used in boosting sexual performance and they are the following:

Gingko Bilboa

Gingko Bilboa is an extract from an ancient tree species native to China. It is widely used to enhance memory and other mental abilities because it can reportedly increase blood flow and oxygen to the brain. Its beneficial effect on blood circulation is said to extend to the penis, thus helping those with erection problems.


Used in traditional Oriental medicine for centuries, this very famous root is believed to increase vitality and improve overall well-being. These effects alone, according to researchers, are usually enough to make someone become more active sexually. Other researchers say that ginseng also helps relax the artery walls, resulting in increased blood flow to all parts of the body including the sexual organs.


The bark of this tree has long been used as an aphrodisiac in Africa and as a treatment for impotence in Europe. A purified extract called yohimbine, has even gained US FDA approval as a treatment for men with ED before Viagra became available. Just like with PDE5 drugs, yohimbine works by increasing blood flow to the penis, and it may have an effect as well on brain chemistry.

Horny Goat Weed

Also known simply as epimedium, this herb with a very catchy and suggestive name is popularly used in China for its various sex-enhancing effects. It reportedly increases sperm production, and it also raises the level of the male sex hormone testosterone, which is directly linked to sex drive.

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